#if UNITY_EDITOR using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.Callbacks; #endif
using System.Collections.Generic;
[ExecuteInEditMode] public class PrefabInstance : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject prefab;
#if UNITY_EDITOR // Struct of all components. Used for edit-time visualization and gizmo drawing public struct Thingy { public Mesh mesh; public Matrix4x4 matrix; public List<Material materials; }
[System.NonSerializedAttribute] public List<Thingy things = new List<Thingy ();
void OnValidate () {
if (enabled) Rebuild (prefab, Matrix4x4.identity); }
foreach (PrefabInstance pi in source.GetComponentsInChildren(typeof (PrefabInstance), true)) { if (pi.enabled && pi.gameObject.activeSelf) Rebuild (pi.prefab, baseMat * pi.transform.localToWorldMatrix); } } // Editor-time-only update: Draw the meshes so we can see the objects in the scene view void Update () { if (EditorApplication.isPlaying) return; Matrix4x4 mat = transform.localToWorldMatrix; foreach (Thingy t in things) for (int i = 0; i < t.materials.Count; i++) Graphics.DrawMesh (t.mesh, mat * t.matrix, t.materials[i], gameObject.layer, null, i); }
// Picking logic: Since we don't have gizmos.drawmesh, draw a bounding cube around each thingy void OnDrawGizmos () { DrawGizmos (new Color (0,0,0,0)); } void OnDrawGizmosSelected () { DrawGizmos (new Color (0,0,1,.2f)); } void DrawGizmos (Color col) {
if (EditorApplication.isPlaying) return;
Gizmos.color = col; Matrix4x4 mat = transform.localToWorldMatrix; foreach (Thingy t in things) { Gizmos.matrix = mat * t.matrix; Gizmos.DrawCube(t.mesh.bounds.center, t.mesh.bounds.size); } }
// Baking stuff: Copy in all the referenced objects into the scene on play or build [PostProcessScene(-2)] public static void OnPostprocessScene() { foreach (PrefabInstance pi in UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType (typeof (PrefabInstance))) BakeInstance (pi); }